Effective exercise for the waist, abdomen and sides

For most people, the stomach is the problem area. First, fat deposits accumulate in this area, spoiling the whole appearance. You can remedy this problem with the help of physical exercises. A special tummy tuck has been developed to remove excess fat from the sides and waist.

exercises to lose weight on the sides and abdomen

General recommendations

This workout is a simple set of exercises that anyone who wants to lose weight can do. In addition to removing excess fat, these exercises train and strengthen the abdominal and back muscles. The skin of the abdomen and sides is tightened, and the general appearance improves.

Exercise for losing weight in the abdomen is an effective way to correct the figure in the waist area (remove the stomach and sides). But it must be remembered that in order to achieve the desired result, it is necessary to practice constantly. Training should be done 3-4 times a week, for at least 40 minutes. You can then see the first results 3-4 weeks after you start training.

The complex includes all the major muscle groups of the press. It includes upper and lower muscles, oblique, transverse. This allows you to remove fat from the sides and waist. Apart from them, the muscles of the back, buttocks and thighs are also strengthened. It should be noted that for a more effective result, it is necessary to switch to proper nutrition.

You don't have to go on a diet, but to lose weight you have to exclude fatty foods from the menu. Emphasis must be placed on natural ingredients, primarily vegetables, fruits, and dairy products. In addition, during physical activity, you should drink the necessary amount of water (about two liters per day) to maintain the water balance in the body.

Training rules

In order for gymnastics to lose weight in the abdomen to have a greater effect, you need to pay attention to some nuances. They help avoid muscle injuries and bring more benefits to your training:

  • You should stop eating about 1. 5-2 hours before training and about 30 minutes after. In addition, it is not recommended to drink while performing a series of exercises.
  • If some exercises seem too difficult for you, don't try to do them at all costs. It is better to concentrate on the correct execution of the movements. Gradually, the muscles will receive the necessary load, and you will achieve the desired result.
  • In order to prevent joint injuries, it is advisable to do it on a special mat.
  • It is better to choose cotton clothing for training, as it allows air to pass through without interfering with your free circulation. Natural materials have a positive effect on the skin without irritating.
  • You must breathe properly during exercise. Breathing should be deep and measured. The exercises must be performed smoothly, without haste.
  • You need to warm up before starting the workout. It is necessary for the muscles to warm up and prepare for the main exercises. By neglecting the warm-up, you run the risk of stretching the muscle tissue.

The warm-up consists of simple movements that everyone did in physical education classes as a child. These include turning the head and pelvis, swinging the arms and legs, and squatting. Do these one after the other, starting with the neck, arms, lower back and legs.

A very effective exercise for losing weight in the abdomen and sides is twisting the hoop at the waist. Combined with a set of exercises, it will get rid of body fat even faster.

You can also include running and jumping rope in the warm-up. The warm-up should last 10 minutes. Then proceed to perform the main exercises of the complex.


Gymnastics for losing weight in the abdomen is designed to work out the straight, transverse and oblique muscles of the abdomen. Thanks to this, you can quickly remove the side and cellulite from the waist area, and make the skin tight and flexible.

Leg lift

This simple exercise will help you get rid of belly fat. Get down on the mat on your back. Place your hands along your body, palms facing down. Raise both legs so that they form a right angle with the body. Return your leg slowly, do not drop it sharply on the floor.

The rise must occur during inhalation, lowering - during exhalation. In the patella, the legs cannot be bent. If you can't get your straight legs to the right point, do what you can, but it should be straight.

Planck exercise. Very effective for the press. Normalizes the stomach and sides, allowing the removal of excess fat. Lie face down on the mat. Then lift your torso up, leaning on your toes and elbows. At the same time, make sure that the body does not bend anywhere.

This is especially true for the pool. Pull your stomach in as far as possible. The trunk should be parallel to the floor. Stay in this position for about a minute (or as long as you can).

Pelvic lift

Lie on the mat with your back. Bend your legs and place them near your bottom about 30-40 cm away. . Grasp your ankle with your palm. Raise your pelvis as high as you can.

Hold this position for a few seconds. Slowly return the body without dropping the lower back to the floor.

Side crunch

Very good practice for removing pages. The initial situation is the same. Place your feet on the mat with your knees slightly bent. The hands are behind the head. As you raise your torso, touch your left elbow to your right kneecap.

Slowly return to the starting position. Then touch your left knee with your right elbow.

Hull lifting

Get a push-up. Bend your legs slightly and place them on your feet at some distance from your bottom. There should be 30-40 cm between the legs. Put your hands behind your head or hold them in front of you.

Raise your body so that it forms a right angle with the floor. Gently lower your torso back without falling to the floor.

Exercise for the upper part of the press. The initial situation is the same. Bend your knees and raise your legs so that they are parallel to the floor. In this case, the hips form a right angle with the body. Keep your hands behind your head.

Lift the upper body, but not the whole back, but only up to the shoulder blades. However, while performing the reverse movement, do not lower your head to the floor. This way you get small movements with a small amplitude.


This exercise is also effective for removing side fat deposits. In the same position (lying on the mat with your back), raise both legs until they are at right angles to the floor. Perform a trunk raise while touching your right palm to your left ankle. Slowly return to the starting position. Now do the same with the other hand.

Pelvic lifts are difficult. These movements also make it possible to remove folds from the sides and abdomen. Lying on your back, bend your legs and place your feet near the pelvis. Lift your left leg and place your foot on your right knee. The hands are behind the head.

Perform a pelvic lift and try to lift as high as possible. Then switch legs.

Practice Scissors

Lying on your back on the mat, extend both legs. Put your hands behind your head. Raise your legs about 20 cm from the floor. Start cross swings with both legs. However, they must be straight.

Alternating with each movement of the leg: first the upper right, then the left. Finally, slowly lower your feet to the floor.

Each exercise should be performed 10-15 times, performing 3 sets during training. Between sets you need to rest for about 1-2 minutes, then do a new one. If you are a beginner and it is very difficult to do this amount, try one approach, each exercise 8-10 times.

Remember that your muscles will be sore the next day after a workout. Especially the sides and abdominal muscles will hurt. This is a normal reaction of the body. After a few days, the pain will go away. This makes it impossible to stop training. You have to let your body get used to the stress.

Do not try to do maximum exercise right away, this can adversely affect your health. Start with small loads, gradually increasing them.

You should feel a little tired during your workout. If you feel over-tension in the muscles, stop the exercise and rest.

A combination of exercise and proper nutrition gives the most effective results for losing extra pounds. Also, don't forget to exercise regularly. If you follow all the recommendations and do it constantly, you can quickly tighten your stomach and sides.